Monday, January 21, 2013

Good Morning, Mr. Journal! (1/21/13)  I've actually been up since 7am, I've just been working on other things. Please don't feel ignored, Mr. Journal. I haven't written since Friday, so here's a recap of my weekend:

 Friday - Every Friday after class, I do deliveries for the farm. Today, due to some time-management issues that I won't go into (they don't involve myself), some of my work is getting pushed back until Saturday. I'm not especially happy about this. Saturday is supposed to be my day off. Lately, I've been feeling very peaceful, however, so I'm just going to go with it, and not let it get me down. I got back home around 9pm and went to my computer to finish some last-minute class assignments, only to discover that Blackboard (the online class portal) was down! At this point, I was freaking out a little, all peace thrown out the proverbial window. Thankfully, my Comp 1 professor is understanding, and extended the deadline by one day. 

Saturday - I got up this morning and left for my farm delivery. I felt a feeling of weekend relaxation, even though I was working. There's something about Saturday morning that just makes you feel at ease, carefree. I stopped at Subway for a sandwich and coffee, and had a nice breakfast by myself. When I got home, it was back to work on my Comp assignment. Got that done, took a nap, then watched a movie and had dinner with my family. All in all, a nice relaxing day. With how busy the last two weeks have been, I'll take it with gratitude.

 Sunday - Farm store day today! Spent the morning helping get ready for the noon opening, then took a couple afternoon hours off before closing time and bringing home pizza for the family. Today was a day that I felt like I could have accomplished more.

 And finally, today. Woke up at 7, got some coffee and a slice of pizza, and got to work on schoolwork! I'm a little behind schedule in my work for my SS course, so I'm trying to get caught up in that. I'm looking forward to starting my first essay for Freshman Comp this week! As I conclude this post, it's about 10:15, and it looks like I'm going to be making a trip to the store for some supplies this morning. Have a good day, Mr. Journal! Your friend, Oliver

Friday, January 18, 2013

Good Morning Mr. Journal,

Sorry it's been so long since I've written. These last few days have been crazy. I've been having some real trouble adapting to studying 20(+/-) hours/week while still working my full-time job at the farm. I'm sure I'll figure out my time schedule better, but until then, I need to figure out how to cope with a few more of these nights of 3 hours of sleep. I'm off to my Student Success class this morning. This is the class that hopefully will give me a better idea of who I am and what I want to be doing. Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Opening Post:

 I have no idea what I'm doing.

I don't mean just in relation to the world of blogging (although this is my first blog ever!).
I don't know what I want out of life. I started classes at my local community college last week, and I really have high hopes for my first semester. My goal in life is to figure out what I want to be. I have a few parameters in mind for my future career. Whatever I'll be doing should be/have all of the following:

1. Enjoyable, not monotonous.
2. Potential for earning a decent living (at least $75k/year)
3. Potential to make a difference in the world. Not necessarily a big one, but something.
4. Leave me some time to enjoy the rest of my life (i.e. raise a family, travel)

So for now, my two most important goals in life are to make it through this semester successfully, and to figure out my life plan. Here's to a bright start!